速報APP / 教育 / Simplify Self Care Step 1

Simplify Self Care Step 1



檔案大小:556.9 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Simplify Self Care Step 1(圖1)-速報App

Simplify Self Care APP is the first FREE tool provided to each Simplifyselfcare.com Sunday email subscriber.

Each APP from SimplifySelfCare.com is developed out of feedback and thoughtful ideas that Sunday email subscribers have shared.

As subscribers share with me their thoughts on what they believe would make it easier for them to use the step by step process I work diligently to make that happen.

This APP is one of those very tools subscribers asked for. My goal is to help each person achieve theirs!

This is why I continue to invest in the creation and accessibility of educational tools and APPS removing barriers to simplify self care.

Want to achieve YOUR wellness goal?

Join us! Take your very first step right now!

Simplify Self Care Step 1(圖2)-速報App

Download the APP and you'll be prompted to subscribe to SimplifySelfCare Sunday emails-- once you subscribe you'll receive - instantaneously in your inbox- the access code and directions to the Step 1- 30 minute PM audio on this APP.

It's where you start the process of achieving your goal.

'WHATEVER' your goal may be..


ONE FOCUSED Step at a Time.

Cutting out the Confusion

Eliminating the Overwhelm

Simplify Self Care Step 1(圖3)-速報App

WHATEVER your wellness goal

it's a CAN- DO!

The question is do you WANT To?

AWESOME! Download the APP and get started today by enrolling in Simplifyselfcare.com

Sunday emails.

More details on this APP:


Simplify Self Care Step 1(圖4)-速報App

The audio APP contains a variety of guides ranging from 2 minutes to one hour.

A few have spoken guidance only-- for when you are crunched for time or if that's your preference.

The other audio tracks contain the very same verbal guidance with background music designed specifically to help our nervous system relax.

The reason? Increasing relaxation helps to reduce the excess stress hormone response that can become chronic. The chronic response releases excess stress hormones into our system faster than we can process them- this then can impair our ability to achieve our wellness goals.

These days we all endure way too much chronic stress in our busy lives. Helping our bodies to take a break using the guided breathing benefits us in as little as 2 minutes. Consistently used over time can produce amazing results.

The relaxation messaging helps something called our HPA Axis giving it a welcomed mini break from it all.

In Simplify Self Care Sunday emails I share the positive impacts this first step has on our physiology and how it plays a role in making it easier for us to achieve our goals.

Simplify Self Care Step 1(圖5)-速報App

Better sleep; increased mood, pain free neck muscles are just a few of the most common comments I receive from subscribers. Done consistently the breathing technique and music sets up your physiology to be more responsive to the efforts you place into achieving your goal.

Whatever your goal may be: Weight loss/gain/maintenance, Autoimmune conditions, BP, Intolerances, pregnancy, reduce anxiety, menopause, pain, infertility, headaches, low mood, acne, chronic conditions, training for an event, optimizing to get through a health crisis.....truly whatever your goal may be.

As we move through the Simplify Self Care process I'll send you the codes to open more and more of the guides in your weekly email.

You'll be able to keep track of the number of days you've completed using the breathing techniques AND there is also your running streak count!

Both features subscribers really like for motivation!

WHEN- you hit your 90 days; send me a screenshot and ALL the remaining audio file codes will be sent to you! Providing you variety for your EVERY mood --all year round!

Summer waves, Fall leaves, Wind, Rain, Crackling fire...it's all there.

Simplify Self Care Step 1(圖6)-速報App

Want to reach out and share what you are loving...Share thoughts and ideas for future renditions,..get help with a glitch you are experiencing... Click on the Simplify Self Care title on your APP front page and a special form pops up for you immediately.

Have a wellness goal you’re ready to achieve?! Let’s get you started! Simplifyselfcare.com

Simplify Self Care Step 1(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad